Birmingham Elmiron Lawyer

Elmiron Attorney Serving Alabama

Did you or a loved one take Elmiron®? You may be at risk for eye damages including blurred vision, eye pain and seeing dark spots.

Elmiron® (pentosan polysulfate sodium) is a medication treatment for interstitial cystitis  (painful bladder syndrome). However, recent studies show that patients with long-term exposure to this drug experience unpleasant vision side effects.

Some long term users of Elmiron® develop forms of maculopathy.  The disease affects the central part of the retina in the eye.  The condition advances at a gradual pace and greatly impairs the vision with the possibility of blindness.


Additional eye damage side effects include:

  • Eye Pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss vivid color recognition
  • Reading trouble
  • Line distortion
  • Observe dark spots near vision center

The manufacturer of Elmiron®, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, knew about the eye and vision related issues from a clinical trial, but the manufacture opted not to post the eye issues on the warning label. Therefore, the public had no knowledge of the dangerous potential side effects.

Elmiron® lawsuits are now being filed for clients that took the drug over an extended period of time and now have vision impairments.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology published an article on how they treated patients for interstitial cystitis using Elmiron between 2015-2017, six developed pigmentary maculopathy.

According to the IC Network Report, one of the first case reports appeared in the Journal of Urology in 2018. Dr. William A. Pearce and colleagues wrote that long-term use of the drug led to “injury to the retina and the underlying retinal pigment epithelium.”

Get a Free Consultation with an Alabama Elmiron Attorney

If you think that you have been victimized by the drug Elmiron, you may be entitled to fair compensation. Contact DeGaris Law today for a free consultation regarding your legal rights.